(718) 424-9871 ~ (646) 956-6553 emcviolations@gmail.com

EMC Consulting

The purchase or sale of a home is an important decision that requires attention and care, as it directly impacts your quality of life, personal finances, and family assets. To ensure an appropriate choice, it is essential to have expert advice, especially at a time when New York City's housing laws have become more rigorous.

For this reason, our main focus is to provide personalized advice to owners of residential and commercial properties in cases of remodeling, violation removal, and design of new projects. Our goal is to find the best alternative for you and your family, employing effective processes and solutions tailored to your needs.

With extensive experience and knowledge in architecture, construction, and resolution of violations issued by the Department of Buildings and other city departments, we offer a wide variety of professional services to turn your project into reality.

"At EMC, we work with you to forge a relationship beyond a simple business transaction, making you a part of our family."

Why choose us?

Undoubtedly, you have many ideas in mind about how you would like your home, office, or legal business to be. Today, I propose that you consider why you should hire our services to turn your ideas into reality.

Firstly, we want to dispel some myths about certified professionals in architecture, engineering, and plumbing, such as the belief that "they are too expensive". Hiring one of these experts does not necessarily involve a higher expense. Sometimes, what is cheap can turn out to be expensive, and poorly planned projects can generate greater inconveniences.

Moreover, if you consider the importance of the large project you have in mind and are willing to invest so much money and enthusiasm in it, hiring a certified architect, engineer, or plumber is the only guarantee that it will be carried out by a professional and that you will get the high-quality result you desire.

Hiring us offers numerous advantages, including:


Each client receives a personalized service tailored to their needs, making our extensive experience and knowledge available to them.


We act with integrity, sincerity, and transparency in each of our actions and communications.


We value our clients' requests, respect their project vision, and provide different perspectives to achieve the best possible result.


Due to the nature of our work, each project is unique and exclusive, taking into account the different needs and requirements of each client.

Added value

We offer timely advice in handling sanctions for non-compliance with building and zoning regulations, which provides added value. Certified professionals guarantee effective solutions and increase the value of the property. Additionally, our work contributes to improving the quality of life for our clients and their families.

If you decide not to hire a certified architect, engineer, or plumber, you may face several problems such as:

Not obtaining the necessary building or plumbing permit in the municipality, which can delay or stop the project completely.

Obtaining the permit, but not meeting the necessary requirements, which can lead to fines and legal problems.

The construction may be done incorrectly or with low-quality materials, which can result in structural damage and long-term safety issues.

Non-certified contractors may overcharge or not complete the work correctly, which can result in additional costs and delays in the project.

You may face issues of violating building codes and zoning laws, which can result in fines and legal problems.

For most people, building or renovating their own home is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It is important to make informed decisions and hire certified professionals to avoid issues and ensure that the project is carried out effectively and safely.

Your peace of mind is priceless, you are in good hands!

Get a Free Consultation!!

It's always a pleasure to assist you...
Write to us here if you need more information about any of our services.


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Based on 8 reviews
Allen P
Allen P
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
George and Edna are wonderful ! They cleared up a sidewalk violation in a couple of weeks dating back 20 years! Thank EMC for such wonderful work!
hector giraldo
hector giraldo
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Jaider Parrado
Jaider Parrado
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Joseline Zumba
Joseline Zumba
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Izaak Izquierdo
Izaak Izquierdo
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Mariana giraldo
Mariana giraldo
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
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